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Jag (Diablo's Throne MMA Book 2) Page 9

  “What did you think?” Jag struts out naked as the day he was born with water droplets dancing down his chest and valleys of muscle. He shakes his hair, sending water spraying everywhere. I cover my face in time, knowing it was coming. “Did you like it?”

  His vision lands on the box next to me. The bed dips next to me. Jag’s thigh presses to mine. He nudges me in the side. I pluck the present from the bed and shred the wrapping paper to find a simple brown box. Half of me is nervous to open the box, and the other half is giddy, reminding me of Christmas mornings when I was a kid. Even in the foster system, those mornings were always the best.

  He’s taped the shit out of the box, making it near impossible to open. Jag’s knee begins bouncing up and down waiting for me. Once the box is open, I pull out tissue paper and then finally another white box.

  “A phone?” My jaw drops in shock.

  “Yep, tired of not getting hold of my girlfriend.”

  “Jag. This is too much.” I shake my head. “I don’t need one.”

  “Yes, you do.” He pushes me back on the bed. “I want to sext you when I want and send as many dick pics as I please.”

  His body covers mine. I shake my head but can’t help the laughter that escapes me. This man is crazy as hell. He thrusts his hips into my core.

  “Fuck, I need you again,” he growls.

  “Stop, Jag, I have to go.” My words don’t match my action as I loop an arm around his neck.

  “The phone is all set up, baby. Be prepared for texts from your stud muffin.” Jag kisses the tip of my nose and jumps off me.

  I have to make myself leave for work. This love stuff is ridiculous. I spend every single extra second with this man and still find it hard to leave him. It’s insane. The moment I shut the door and take two steps on the sidewalk, my new phone dings.

  Monster Cock: What’s your favorite animal?

  I smile like a lunatic at the message. This phone is going to be a major distraction.

  Me: dogs.

  Monster Cock: Was hoping you’d say squirrel.

  Me: You’re odd.

  Monster Cock: Ask me why, woman!

  I bite the inside of my cheek and check my surroundings as I glance back down at my phone and continue walking the few blocks to the diner.

  Me: Why?

  Monster Cock: Because I want to bury my nuts in you.

  I burst out laughing, getting some odd looks from strangers passing me on the sidewalk. I tuck my phone into my back pocket and pick up my pace, or I’ll be late. I make it just in time to serve the first customer. The morning passes without any hiccups. The breakfast crowd is always the best. The tips are hefty and the hours fly by. The only downside is I’m not a morning person.

  Jill keeps a travel mug of coffee filled for me behind the counter. I’m so blessed to have her and Jerry in my life. I sneak into the bathroom during a lull in the rush. My phone beeps once again. My cheeks flush knowing it can only be one person. After washing my hands, I bring it back to life.

  Monster Cock: Got a boo boo at the gym. Need a tit pic to make myself feel better.

  Me: HaHa. No way. You can have the real things tonight.

  Monster Cock: SUNNI…THIS ISN’T HOW IT WORKS!!! C’mon you need to be a team player here.

  Me: Have to go back to work. Love you

  Monster Cock: I gave Layla your number. She’ll fill you in, but there’s some fancy ball we have to go to tonight. Sorry for the late notice. It’s a sponsorship bullshit event, and you’re my date.

  Butterflies flicker around in my belly. A giddy feeling takes over like I was just asked to the prom by my high school crush. My cheeks are flushed when I glance in the mirror. The rest of my shift goes by in a blur. I screw up a few orders since all I can think about is Jag wanting me by his side. I clock out and count up my tips from my shift. My savings are getting quite hefty since moving in with Jag.

  I still can’t believe I did it. I could tell Jag was curious about my lack of personal items, but he never asked one question. He doesn’t push me, and that’s the only thing keeping me from a constant state of panic. The floor will fall out from underneath me. It’s inevitable. Until then I’m going to cherish every moment.

  “Hey, Sunni!”

  My heart stops when I hear my name. I look behind me to see Layla jogging up the sidewalk with Bella on her hip. I’d barely made it ten steps out of the diner.

  “Hey.” Layla stops in front of me and places Bella down then hunches over, catching her breath. “I forgot to text you and was hoping I’d catch you.”

  “Wunni!” Bella throws her little arms up. I don’t think twice before scooping her up, half shocked she knows my name. “Wag woves you.”

  She pokes my cheek and giggles.

  Layla rolls her eyes. “She loves playing on Jag’s phone. She looks at your pictures, and Jag tells her stories.”

  “Oh.” I smile at the sweet, little girl. She could be one of the toddlers on commercials between her adorable features and larger than life personality.

  “It’s a heck of a lot better than pics that used to be on his phone.” Layla begins walking, and I follow since I’m still clueless. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to him. Never thought it would happen.”

  “Never thought what would happen?” I ask, glancing over at Layla.

  “He’d find a woman I approved of and fall in love with her.”

  I shrug. “I’m the lucky one.”

  “So, you know what’s going on here then?”

  “Um, no. Jag texted me asking for a boob picture.”

  “Boobies!” Bella squeals, pointing at her chest.

  Layla purses her lips. “I swear one day revenge is going to be hell when Jag has kids.”

  I don’t even have to ask. The happy gleam in Bella’s eyes and what she chirped has Jag written all over it. Layla rattles on about the ball and the sponsors hosting. Trick, Jag, Cruz, and Boss are VIPs at this event. It’s formal wear and one where lots of elbows will be rubbed and publicity will be plastered everywhere.

  “You know a few months back when Cruz won his championship, Jag should’ve won his division. He got into his head, and then shit went downhill. Now with him winning again, the chatter is insane about his comeback.”

  “He told me about his dad.”

  Layla freezes. Shock plastered across her features as we walk into a quaint boutique off of Main Street. Bella squeals and wiggles around in my arms until I put her down. She races to the lady behind the counter with her arms up in the air.

  “I spend way too much money here,” Layla leans in and whispers. “Bella is like the boutique's poster child. And I’m so happy Jag opened up to you about his dad. He’s going to need you there for him.”

  I nod and fiddle with my fingers, pretending to admire the racks of clothes while she continues.

  “I have a feeling his dad isn’t done messing with him. We will all be behind him when he comes.”

  “Layla.” The store worker rounds the counter with Bella trailing behind her.

  Bella has a lime green tutu on her head and doing her best to wiggle into it. Her grunts become louder as she tangles herself in it.

  “Here, Bella.” I walk to her, crouching to her level. “I’ll help you.”

  I take the tutu off her head and hold it in front of her. “You put your feet in first.”

  “Choos. Choos.” She points at her blinged Chucks.

  “Yes, it’s just fine. Watch me.” I stretch out the elastic and help her step in.

  Her tongue darts out to the side as she concentrates on not tumbling over. I settle the elastic around her waist and fluff out the material.

  Her arms shoot up in the air. Her tiny teeth light up her mouth as the highest pitch scream I’ve ever heard rolls off her tongue. She crashes into my chest, doing her best to wrap her arms around me. I kiss the top of her silky black hair and whisper, “Oh sweet Bella, I shouldn’t be around you. It hurts like hell to know with my past
I’ll never be able to have children, especially when my history is revealed.”

  Two hours later and two dresses purchased, the boutique looks like a tornado whipped through it. Bella tried on everything she could get her hands on and at one point was streaking through clothing racks only in a diaper. Marta, the store owner, was the sweetest lady I’d ever met.

  The price tags on the fancy dresses were giving me hives. I’d been scratching my neck and tugging on my collar for the past thirty minutes. Marta, being a savvy saleswoman, picked up on that and informed me Jag left his credit card open and instructed her to make sure I got everything I needed. This didn’t help the itchy anxiety creeping over my skin. It, in fact, did the opposite. Between Marta and Layla, I ended up with a short elegant dress, heels, jewelry, and a clutch.

  I pretended to watch Bella as she totaled my purchase and bagged all the items. The damn shopping bags were even classy with personalization on them. Now we’re on the sidewalk with handfuls of bags and sleeping Bella who passed out in my arms when her mom was checking out.

  “I’m going to call Cruz to come get us. It will take me a year to walk back with her in my arms.” Layla digs in her oversized purse-diaper bag combo for her phone.

  I sway back and forth, soaking in the sweet baby scent of Bella. Her chubby cheek presses into my shoulder. They’re rosy from her nonstop actions earlier. She’s a bundle of pure joy and peace.

  I glance up in time to see a cop car creep by on the street. Out of instinct, I duck my head and turn quickly. My face and legal name are plastered on a list that cops track, and I’m holding a baby. Reality punches me in the gut. My knees grow weak, and my arms holding Bella quake in fear. This is going to all be ripped away from me in the blink of an eye. I’ve dragged innocent people into my life, and they’ll also be crushed when they learn the truth.

  It’s my past. I chant over and over in my head. It’s my past. It’s not who I am. They’re old sins that rest on my soul. It’s not going to dictate my future. I’d convinced myself of all that right up until I met Jag. He brought me back to life, and now my secrets will destroy him and his friends.

  Chapter 14


  The gleaming bags holding my dress and new items taunt me from the end of the couch. My legs are curled up in a ball underneath me. The knot in my stomach has grown with each passing second.

  I lick my lips and fight to talk myself out of it for the tenth time. My curiosity wins out in the end. My fingers shake as I tap on Safari, bring up Google, and type in my ex-husband’s name.

  The data pops up in the blink of an eye. Article after article of the good cop. I tap on the most recent article, dated a week ago. The last name Jaco dries my throat. My hand goes to my neck, massaging it, seeking relief. It doesn’t work. Sweat beads form on my forehead. Deep-seated fear gets the best of me. My phone tumbles into my lap.

  I cover my face with my hands and silently scream. Not one sound comes out. My throat tears and slices with the dread and emotion stemming from me. Dreyson Jaco is living his life without a single care after he ruined mine.

  After several long moments, I ground myself the best I can and pick the phone back up. It doesn’t happen on the first try or the second. I force myself to read each of the news stories.

  Local Officer Jaco Saves the Life of a Teen

  The Albion County Police Department was called out on an attempted suicide call late on Tuesday night at approximately nine-fifty. Officer Jaco was the first on the scene.

  According to him, it was intense once he stepped foot onto the property. As of now, everything hasn’t been released. However, it’s been documented a sixteen-year-old teen from Alco High School was found with a gun to her head in her home.

  A neighbor noticed odd behavior earlier in the day and knew the teen was alone, so she called authorities. The neighbor claimed a dark sports car was at the house around two o’clock. She reported hearing screaming and items breaking. She found it odd because nobody was usually home then. It was when she witnessed the young girl on the back porch sobbing and clutching her belly that she knew something was wrong, and that’s when she placed the 911 call.

  According to officials, the victim is now safe in custody. Her parents haven’t made any formal comments about the situation.

  “I’ll never forget the haunted look in the young girl’s face. I’m only thankful I made it in time and was able to break through to her. Our community is a small yet a powerful one. All teens need to know there’s help, whether it be at school or a local doctor’s office.”

  We will keep you updated on any breaking news.

  The article lists the different places in the community where anyone experiencing rough times can go to get help. The doting article is polished off with a color picture of Dreyson in full uniform leaning against his cop car. He’s relaxed with one hand on his holster and a warm, safe smile reflecting back.

  The online comments go on and on sharing stories how Officer Jaco had helped them at one point in their lives. He’s idolized in the community. Held up on a pedestal and revered by everyone of all ages. That’s not the man I see. Far from it. I know his true colors and lived in his personal hell.

  My head spins as I recall the details of the article, and I know it’s possible there’s more to the story that the community will never know about. Crimes way more heinous than cold-blooded murder will be buried, all by the good officer.

  I type in one more web address and plug in my legal name. This time, the phone does burn my fingertips. Tears rush to my eyes, and my stomach cyclones until I can’t sit any longer.

  I race to the bathroom, letting my phone bounce off the hardwood floor. I’m three steps away from the toilet when the first wave of bile shoots up the back of my throat, leaving it raw and torn wide open. I drop to my knees, clutching the ring of the toilet with my stomach rolling and cramping. My arms go numb from the extreme pressure pushing up from the tips of my toes.

  Tears stream down my face long after my body is left exhausted. I’ve often wondered what I did in this life to deserve the wrath of Jaco. I went into the marriage blind and came out a shell of a person. I have to tell Jag the truth. It’s the only option, because walking away from him isn’t one.

  Deep in my gut, I know without even having to second-guess that Jag will listen to me. He’ll believe me too. What scares the shit out of me is his temper and what will happen after the truth is revealed.

  I wipe my eyes and crawl into our bed. Pulling the blankets up and over my head, I let the darkness control my thoughts until my eyelids flutter closed. Sleep and in the arms of Jag are the only places I find peace.

  I have no idea how long I’m out before the sound of Jag’s voice drifts in.



  I brush the sleep from my eyes and open my mouth to speak. It’s so dry no sound comes out.

  Jag pops his head in the bedroom with his brow scrunched and shoulders tense. “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”

  He holds up my phone and walks to the bed, throwing himself in the middle of the bed. He’s careful not to land right on me. He’s so damn graceful from the way he dances to fighting. I swear he’s like a cat.

  “Sorry.” I roll into his chest. “I wasn’t feeling great so decided to take a nap.”

  “And throw your phone on the floor?” He raises an eyebrow in question.

  “No, must’ve dropped it.” I grab it from him, remembering the last search window I had open.

  “You gonna feel up to it tonight?”

  The panic is written all over his features. Some formal ball is the last place I want to be. It means media, exposure, and most of all attention because I’ll be on Jag’s arm. The man owns every room he graces.

  “Yes,” I lie, petting the worry from his brow.

  He shows his enthusiasm with a long, deep, searing kiss.

  “I need to shower,” he says when he pulls back.

  “Yeah, you stin

  “Join me.” He leaps from the bed, tugging me with him.

  The thought of showering with Jag makes me swoon. However, the thought of blow drying and styling my hair—not so much. But before I know it, I’m under the hot spray of water in Jag’s loving arms.

  He busies himself washing every inch of my skin. Jag whirls me around, pressing his chest into my back while wrapping his arms low around my waist. He slips his hand between my legs, fingers fluttering through my folds over and over before he sinks two of them deep inside of me. The anxiety and stress of the day fade away as I melt into his protective arms.

  Jag has my spine tight in a matter of seconds. He roams his thumb in perfect circles over my clit. His fingers flick and strum inside of me. I throw my arm around his head, pulling him closer and deeper into me. He takes advantage of my exposed breast, flicking the nipple several times.

  “Jag!” I scream as a burst of white light pops behind my closed eyelids. My hips roll, greedy to milk the last strum of my release.

  “Better, baby girl?” he mumbles into my neck.


  “You wanna talk about it?” He seals each word with a tender kiss.

  “Not right now. Not tonight. It’s your night.”

  “Doesn’t matter much to me. The way I see it, you’re the center of my world, and that’s it. End of.”

  I smirk, falling deeper in love with him. I turn in his arms and throw mine around his neck. “It’s your night, and I’m by your side, and the way I see it, Cock Monster, that’s all that matters.”

  His crooked grin tilts up one corner of his lips. “Fucking hell. You calling me that does wicked, wicked things to me.”

  “Yeah?” I tilt my head and drop a hand, letting it painfully roam down to cup him.

  “It hurts,” he whines. “So much pressure.”