I Shaved My Legs For This? Read online
Page 8
“I like this better than sex,” I whisper.
“Trying to make a man feel like shit, babe?”
I raise both my arms then drape them behind his neck trying to distract him with my tits pushing up into the air. Just like a well-trained pup his hands palm my tits massaging the nipples.
“No.” I fight to stifle a moan. “You make me feel special spending time with me like this. It’s my favorite.”
“Are you going on that blind date?”
I turn a bit to see his face. “Um, that was a swift subject change, mister.”
“Olivia is still talking about it at the shop.”
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “No, I’m not going. I’ll tell her about us tomorrow. I’ll stop by the shop.”
He holds me tighter to him. “I’m selfish, babe. I don’t want to lose you, and I don’t want to come between you and your friend.”
I relax back holding onto his neck and letting him clutch to me. “It’s not like that. Olivia loves me and I love her. I mean not in a lesbonic way. She just didn’t want me running you off.”
“No worries on that end.”
“Yeah,” I nod. I need to tell him right now how I feel about him, but the mere thought of losing him scares me way too much.
Chapter 14
Olivia wasn’t at the shop today and seems to be avoiding all my calls and texts. Bitch. I’ve spent the day at my deserted apartment grabbing clean clothes and some extra toiletries to keep at Diesel’s. He’s working late tonight and playing later with his band. He tried to lick my beautiful kitty to death to convince me to go, but I’m still running low on energy. I may surprise him, though. Who knows with me?
My phone rings as I stuff the last bag of clothes. A wild idea hits me. Another surprise for my man. Chocolate, strawberries, and me naked in his bed. I grab the phone on the third ring not even checking to see who is calling.
“Bitch, where have you been today?” I holler through the phone at Olivia.
“Went into my classroom for a bit.”
“Overachieving whore.”
“Blah, blah, blah. Hey, I need your help.”
“Call someone who cares.” My mind can’t get off the sexcapades I want to plan for Diesel tonight when he’s done singing.
“Don’t be a dick. Can you come pick me up? I need a ride to meet Oren.”
My phone beeps letting me know it’s on the verge of dying. “Your car broke down?”
“No, it’s at the shop for a tune-up.”
Olivia’s dad is obsessive about the health of her car, so this is no shock.
“Are your legs broken?” I ask.
Even Olivia can’t help but chuckle. “C’mon, Scout, I’m not fucking walking all the way across town in July.”
My phone double beeps ready to die any second. Why couldn’t the little bastard have died before she called?
“Fine, be there in ten minutes. My phone is going to die.”
“Okay, but make sure you’re dre…”
The damn dingbat. I toss my cellphone in my bag and zip it up. I trip on one of Pedro’s dog toys walking out of my bedroom. Damn, I miss that little bastard. Diesel has been keeping me busy, but I still miss him. Maybe I’ll kidnap him tonight when I pick up Olivia.
While driving, I mull over the kidnapping plan in my head, but then abort the mission considering that if Diesel and I will be burning the night oil humping, it would be bad for his habit. Since tomorrow is Saturday then maybe I can take him to the park or something.
Olivia is out on the sidewalk of her house waving me down like a fucking clown. Does she think I forgot where she lives with Officer Lady Boner? I don’t miss the fact she’s dressed up all cute with her hair blown out and make-up. That should’ve been my first clue.
“Hey.” She plops into the passenger seat.
“Where to, whorebags?”
“I love you, too, bestie.” She leans over and licks my face. “Damn, you look like shit, Scout.”
“It’s what I aim for.”
“Nailed it. Just drop me off at the new bar on the south side of town.”
“Got it.” I drive while Olivia chatters about all the work she accomplished in her classroom.
I tend to be more the where it flies, it lays, and if it happens, it happens kinda girl. I think it’s the reason Olivia and I get along so well. We balance each other out.
I grow a bit irritated realizing Olivia is doing a damn well job of ruining my evening plans. I’ll have to hustle to get to the grocery store and then home to get all painted up with chocolate syrup before Diesel gets home. He told me his band was the first set tonight at the bar I’d first saw him sing at.
The parking lot is crowded when I pull in. Olivia quickly spots Oren standing by his car. Once I get closer to it, I then notice he’s not alone. I put the car in park and before I know what’s happening Olivia is lightening fast pulling the keys from the ignition and jumps from the car.
“Ready for your date?” She sticks her tongue out at me.
“C’mon, Olivia, give me the damn keys. I told you no.”
“Too bad. Jason is here and a very nice guy.” She waggles her eyebrows at me.
I look to the man standing near Oren. He sends me a wave and offers a smile. Fucking awkward. I wave back then do my best to muster up a smile. It’s weak at best. Jason is tall, dark, and handsome. I’ll give Olivia that. He’s clean-shaven with a strong jawline and tightly clipped hair. Normally, I’d be all but dry humping the man, but right now I have nothing.
“Scout, two drinks and some conversation,” Olivia winks at me. “I think he could be the one.”
“About that, Olivia, we need to talk about something.”
My door opens scaring the shit out of me. I rocket up in the seat, throttle my head on the roof of my car, and then squeal while tinkling a bit in my undies.
“Jesus.” I cover my chest.
“Sorry.” Jason smiles wide. “Thought since I wasn’t able to pick you up that I could open the door for you.”
He has a thick, southern accent that drips sex. Is this happening right now? He holds his hand out to help me from the car. I grab my purse and get out on my own, then pull my shorts from my crotch not so lady like and adjust the messy bun on the top of my head.
Jason is a complete gentleman holding the door for me and not getting handsy at all. He’s prying with questions, but I manage to nod answering most of them until we make it to a table. I dig around in my purse for my cellphone until I realize it’s neatly packed up in my fucking bag and very dead.
I send a kick under the table to get Olivia’s attention but manage to nail Oren in the shin. I even attempt to spill a drink in her lap for an excuse to go to the bathroom, but Jason catches it. I have to give it to the man he’s handsome, polite, and swift.
The lights dim a bit, and I think it’s going to be my chance to escape. The MC comes on stage announcing that tonight’s band has been changed since the other bar in town was double booked.
“Their mistake is our fortune. The upcoming group, Word Champ is here tonight.”
The cheers from the crowd are deafening, and I want to fucking die. Jason takes this moment to scoot his chair so close to mine that our shoulders brush against each other. He lays a hand on my thigh, and I try to scoot away, but there’s no room. Then I come eye to eye with the man who owns my heart.
Diesel takes in the whole scene, swallows, and then darts his vision away from mine. He plays the entire set without making eye contact again. It’s not like the first time I watched him play. He’s pissed and dead up there.
As soon as he’s done playing, I’m up and on my feet walking toward the stage. I don’t turn around when Olivia hollers my name. I have to get to Diesel and explain. The problem is he does not have it. I call his name over and over again. I know damn well he can hear me, but he gives me no clue of it.
He’s storming off the stage k
nocking shit out of his way. I don’t hesitate going after him. The ache in my heart is way too much to handle. I can’t let him slip through my fingers. I fucking love the man.
“Diesel,” I yell down the long dimly lit hallway behind the stage.
He freezes with one hand on the door but doesn’t turn to face me.
“Stop and listen to me.”
He slowly rotates and when he finally makes eye contact, my heart quits beating for a few seconds. He’s raging pissed, but it’s the heartache covering his face that totally guts me.
“I can explain.” I wince at my words. It’s what every guilty person opens up with.
He steps closer, crosses his arms over his chest, but doesn’t say a word.
“Olivia called for a ride. I had no idea. I was packing up more stuff to take to your house. I wanted to surprise you tonight.”
“You fucking surprised me alright.”
“Diesel,” I plead with him. “She brought me here. I tried to say no.”
He takes a step closer but keeping his distance. His voice is full of venom. “Let’s flip the tables, Scout. I tell you that you can’t tell anyone about us. My best friend tries to set me up, but hey I end up on the blind date anyway. You have to be up on that fucking stage watching the two of us. And watching a gorgeous blonde stare at me like she wants to fuck me.”
Pain like I’ve never felt before slices through me. He’s right. I’ve fucked up, and it’s bad really, atrocious. I spit everything out to try and save the situation. I can’t lose him.
“My phone is dead. I actually tried to get out of it.”
“A little too late, Scout. Don’t worry though I won’t fuck shit up at the shop.” He goes to turn around walking away from me.
“Diesel,” I cry out, but he doesn’t flinch.
“She’s right.” I turn to see Olivia stepping forward. “Diesel listen to her. I had no idea about the two of you and now I feel awful.”
This catches his attention at least stopping his movement.
“I totally ambushed her.” Olivia’s voice cracks a bit. “It was all me, and now I feel like shit. Scout refused, and I didn’t listen.”
Tears begin to streak down my best friend’s face continuing to shatter my heart.
“I had no idea, Diesel. None. I just wanted her to be happy finally.”
I stare at Diesel willing him to come back to me. He seems to mull over Olivia’s words.
“Tell her,” he finally demands after long beats of silence.
I don’t hesitate and rush everything out. “I love him, Olivia. We’ve been together since you left on your honeymoon. I love him, and he’s mine.”
“Why didn’t you say something?” She whispers.
“Really?” Now I’m growing agitated and a bit pissy. “Because you warned me off him. I didn’t want you to worry, but I’m not giving him up.”
The last line barely falls from my lips. “If he’ll have me.”
Diesel is at my back in an instant. Arms wrapped low around my waist, and I let myself fall into him since he’s there catching me. He leans down and kisses me gently on my cheek. My eyes flutter closed while I let out a baited breath, and then tears begin to roll down my face. My entire body trembles with relief. That slight promise of losing him for good nearly ended me.
“Thank you.” Is all he whispers to me then he dries my tears with the pad of his thumb.
“I’m so happy for you two.” Olivia wraps both of us up in an awkward hug. “Never keep secrets from me again tramp. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself. I’m happy for you my friend.”
I manage to get my arms untangled from the mess of limbs and hug her back.
“Thank you, Olivia.” I don’t speak in a hushed whisper this time, but a robust and confident voice. “I’m so happy and in love. It was quick, but the real damn thing.”
“Good. Now, tomorrow dinner at my house with your man. No excuses the two of you.”
“We can do that.” Diesel pulls me further back into his chest. My ass pressed up against his want for me.
He leads me to the car not speaking a word after we say good-bye to Olivia and she makes us commit to a time. The silence allows my doubts and nerves to creep back in. It’s like the silence before the storm. He tosses his guitar in the back of his sexy car and then slams the door. Before I know it, he has me spun around and pressed against the cold metal.
“I’ll never forget how the pain sliced me from the inside out watching that man fuck you with his eyes.”
“Diesel.” I try to clutch his face and explain myself again.
“Shut up,” he growls, pulling his face from mine. “The pain was fucking suffocating me up there on the stage, and I had to continue to sing while he tried to get his fucking hands on you. Do you know how bad I wanted to jump down and fucking strangle the man with my bare hands?”
I shake my head slightly from side-to-side.
“Beat his ass then fuck you, claiming my girl in front of everyone. Can’t wait until we get home, baby. I need you, now.”
“Take me, Diesel. I’m yours,” I mumble into his lips.
My shorts are ripped down, and then my thong pushed to the side. His fingers glide through my folds making me buck into him.
He cups my pussy. “This is fucking mine. Do you hear me, Scout?”
I nod, biting back my moan.
“No more fucking games and hiding.”
“Yes, please, now,” I beg.
I hear his zipper go down then feel him against me. He doesn’t waste time taking my thong off and only eases inside of me. My legs wrap around his waist while I grind on him. It doesn’t last long before Diesel is punishing me with grueling thrusts, then his teeth come down hard and he bites down on my neck. He marks me in more than one way. Making me his.
Chapter 15
When I try to stand up from the toilet the next morning, I nearly cry out in pain. Muscles in my ass, back of thighs, and vagina scream out refusing to move. I didn’t even know there were working muscles in some of those places. I’m ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure he bruised my pussy last night. It’s delicious. With each ache, I’m reminded of the fierce passion and love the man has for me.
Focusing on the crazy train of pain rolling through me is way more comforting than remembering the hurt and devastation in Diesel’s eyes. It’s a sight I never want to see again.
“Need a hot bath, baby?” I look up at Diesel who has a sexy smirk on his face.
“El si and then a hand up please.”
“That good?”
“Oh, baby Jesus, you have no idea, Diesel. Almost and I mean almost in the tiniest of ways I want to piss you off again just to see that side of you again.”
He shakes his head and mumbles to himself while beginning to start a hot bath for me. I remember my plan of seducing him with sweet shit and save it for a later date.
He sits on the edge of the tub and then studies me sitting on the toilet, not so lady like. I should be embarrassed, but honestly, he’s already been through the shits and pukes phase with me.
“Move in with me.”
“Come again?” I ask making sure I heard him correctly.
“Move in with me.”
“Are you asking or telling me?”
“Telling you.”
“And if I say no will you get pissed?”
“Yes, I’ll fuck you until you say yes.”
I finally stand up in a presentable fashion and begin to strip down for him.
“Then it’s a no.” I wink at him.
“So be it.” He’s on his feet advancing toward me.
It doesn’t take long for me to holler out the word yes in a chant over and over again. It was in appreciation for the incredible orgasm and had nothing to do with moving in with him. He knew he had me without me having to answer. I plan to make the rest of this summer one to remember and tell the grandchildren minus all the dick and vagina action.
“Road head is a totally ac
ceptable excuse for being late.” I wipe the back of my mouth.
Diesel chuckles then tucks himself back in his pants while keeping an eye on the road. I could sense his nerves about this casual barbecue at Olivia’s. I feel entirely responsible for it from making him hide us. Dumbest decision of my life. I vow to fix it.
“Ready?” I ask when he pulls into Oren and Olivia’s driveway at their new house.
He only shrugs.
“Don’t be nervous. Trust me, baby, I’ll take all the heat off you.”
“Thanks.” He leans over and kisses my lips. “It’s not you. I’m at home with you. I’m not used to social situations after years of working and taking care of my mother.”
“Nothing like head first. We’ve got this.”
We walk to the front door hand in hand, and I plan never to let go of it tonight. Olivia is beaming with pride when she throws open the door. Her excitement makes me happy. I never should’ve been so foolish.
“Hey, guys.” She waves and then on cue Pedro bounds over to us. My heart swells for a few moments until he latches onto Olivia’s ankle and begins humping it.
“Pedro!” She hollers.
I laugh my ass off.
“I swear, Scout, did you strength train him while we were on our honeymoon.”
“Don’t talk bad about my sweet boy.” I wait until he has his job done then scoop him up in my arms. “Good boy.”
I pepper the little bastard in kisses and remember how much I missed him. After several long seconds, I realize Diesel is staring down at me. I manage to give him a weak smile and then take his hand in mine while walking to the back patio.
Oren is armed with a spatula and a very obnoxious apron. “Eat my meat” with a dancing hot dog on it. I threw it in the cart one day when shopping with Olivia. She wanted a brick red one that would match their deck furniture, but I discreetly tossed this one in.
“Nice apron.” Diesel nods.
Oren hands him a beer and beams brightly. “Olivia has never complained.”
The men enjoy a good laugh then fall into a deep conversation about restoring an old car. It seems Oren bought one and Diesel loves nothing more than talking cars. I’m starting to think he was born with a wrench in his hands.