The Flight of Hope Read online

Page 4

  Puttering sounds begin to emanate from Bentley’s vibrating lips. He pulls back the fork and starts circling it to my mouth.

  “Stop.” I slap his shoulder, barely able to get out the word between my laughter.

  “No dessert if you don’t finish your meal,” he taunts.

  I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to stifle back my giggles. Bentley knows exactly what he’s doing right now.

  “Nom. Nom then you get your cake, Birdie.”

  I push my palm onto his broad chest, which does nothing to stop him. “I’ve had enough meat.”

  His eyes glow bright, his brows shooting up in his hairline, and then in a flash of a second, I see his determination grow. I open my mouth to protest, but he’s faster than me. The bite of prime rib dangling from the edge of the fork lands in my mouth. Bentley leans in, striking me with his masculine scent. It’s always a constant perfect mixture of citrus and a rich woodsy scent, and it makes me melt every single time.

  He darts his tongue out, running it along the shell of my ear before he whispers. The evidence of my want for him races all over my skin in the form of goose bumps.

  “You better not be full of meat, baby, we got a full night planned tonight.” His hand snakes up the front of my dress. His large palm is burning my skin as it moves closer and closer to the apex of my thighs.

  I hold my breath wanting so damn much more, but knowing we can’t right here. Desire and frustration boil together, leaving me a mess. Bentley’s eyes gloss over when he pulls back, and I can only imagine mine mirror his. It’s clear what we both need and want.

  We remain silent as he feeds me a few more bites of food. We never break eye contact, and you’d never know a celebration of our wedding surrounded us.

  I lean forward after a long swallow of champagne. I do my best to mimic Bentley’s actions before. My tongue darts out, tracing the shell of his ear. The problem is I have no self-control when it comes to this man. My body goes into overdrive. I nibble on his ear and then suck on the lobe.

  “I can’t wait any longer, baby. Can we go? Please.” I beg.

  Bentley pulls back, licking his bottom lip, and the look in his firing brown eyes leaves nothing to the imagination.

  “Let me speed this shit up, and we’ll get out of here.” He stands and faces the back of the tent while he discreetly adjusts the crotch of his dress pants.

  I giggle, and it soon turns into a full-on laugh. He rewards me with a glare that turns playful.

  “Wouldn’t be a laughing matter if one of our guest’s eyes got poked out.” He smirks and strolls away, leaving me in a mess of laughter.

  It’s an exhausted, giddy laugh that shows no sign of stopping. My belly aches after I’m able to get it under control. I use the napkin with our initials monogrammed on them to wipe away the happy tears. I collapse back into an exhausted heap in the chair.

  My body feels like it’s been weighed down by a ton of bricks, but it’s also more at peace than I’ve experienced in a long time. It’s not the fact I married my best friend. It’s more than that. He’s home. He survived his first deployment and returned the same man he left. I watch him across the tent, throwing back his head in laughter, deep in conversation with his best friend Coy.

  Bentley tips back the bottle of beer, taking a long gulp. The man is so damn sexy and everything else between. My life.

  “Marlee, you look stunning.”

  I look over to see Maddie standing next to me. I smile brightly at her. We never went to school together. Her and Coy met online.

  “Hey, girl. Thanks.” I stand up and hug her.

  “Your wedding is stunning. I love everything about it.”

  I shake my head. “Thanks, but that was all my mom and Bentley’s mom.”

  She laughs lightly. “Well, they did a fantastic job.”

  A shine catches the corner of my eye, and then I see the large diamond on her hand.

  “Congrats.” I point at her ring. “Bentley told me the other night that Coy popped the question.”

  Her eyes go dreamy, and her cheeks flush with a hint of pink. “He did. I was beginning to think it would never happen.”

  “I knew he would. That man is in love!” I gesture for her to take a seat next to me. I’m not lying about being dead ass tired. She sits where Bentley was before, and the conversation comes easily and natural. None of it the forced small talk. Maddie is down to earth and friendly as all get out. I’ve picked up on this fact on a few times we hang out, but today it’s different.

  “Didn’t you guys get in engaged in high school the end of your senior year?” Maddie asks.

  I nod and roll my eyes. “I think we took ten years off our parents’ lives.”

  “Yeah, mine would’ve locked me up in a tower.”

  I chuckle. “Our families are really good friends. We eased their tensions after letting them know Bentley was enlisting in the Army and I was getting my realtor license. Then he got deployed…”

  My voice trails off. Even though he’s home safe and sound, it’s still a subject that guts me to talk about. All of the what-ifs and, even worse, the possible deployments to come. I swallow down the fear and pick up the conversation.

  “The day he returned, I begged him to take me down to the courthouse, but in the end, he won. Our mothers would’ve beat our asses and probably disowned us.”

  Maddie chuckles lightly. “Coy has told me your parents and, hell, the whole community have been planning your guys’ wedding since you were in middle school.”

  “He’d be right there.” I smirk, wanting to get the attention off me. “So, have you guys set a date yet?”

  “With Coy just enlisting, I’m not sure what’s going to go on.”

  I grab her hands to calm her fidgeting fingers. Coy didn’t sign up right after graduation like Bentley and chose to do so now. I could pin down the emotions she’s going through with a fine toothcomb. There’s not one single thing anyone can tell you to make it better. It’s the oddest mixture of pride, honor, selfishness, and fear that attacks your core.

  “What kind of wedding do you want?” I slap my chest with my free hand. “Now, I’m abnormal when it comes to wedding shit. Like I said, I would’ve married that man in the courthouse. All of this shit is pretty, but I don’t need any of it. So, on a scale from one to ten, ten being bridezilla, what are you?”

  Maddie nibbles on her bottom lip and cringes a bit before squeaking out her answer. “An eight.”

  “You’re killing me here, but I think I can work with an eight.”

  Maddie’s final walls tumble down to the ground as she goes on about plans for a wedding. I don’t miss the hints she drops about the timing with enlisting and other stress factors. She doesn’t have a helicopter mom or even a mom at that. She claims her dad won’t handle a wedding well either way since she’s his baby girl.

  “What about Vegas?” I throw up both hands. “Now, give me a second to explain here. I looked into it when the moms were planning this one. There are so many options, not just Elvis you know? But I’ll throw this out there, too, Elvis would be kick ass.”

  A stern look covers her face, then a finger in my face. “No Elvis. Not ever, but Vegas, I’ll think about.”

  She cracks a smile, and I relax.

  “Dude, I thought you were about to kick my ass.”

  We both laugh and then at the same time look toward our men. Maddie groans. I don’t have to ask what’s wrong. It’s the same picture that’s been before me since high school. The popular girls, aka the cheerleaders and sluts, surround the two men. There is shoulder petting, lots of fake laughs, and even more fake titty action going on.

  “Just watch, Maddie.”

  “Uh?” She doesn’t make eye contact but stares at Coy.

  “Each time one of their fake ass nails touch them, the men step back.”

  She looks over to me and holds up her hand, displaying her very fancy fake nails adorned with gems.

  “Well, you can have fak
e ass nails because you’re not fake, but seriously watch it. I’ve dealt with this shit for years. At one point or another, they all pretended to want to be friends with me. Didn’t take me long to realize it was just to get closer to Bentley and Coy. It didn’t even matter that Bentley and I were head over heels for each other.”

  “I hate it. We can’t go anywhere around town without this shit happening.”

  “You’ll get used to it. Trust me.”

  “How?” she asks with genuine wonder dancing in her deep chocolate brown eyes.

  “Like this.” I stand to my feet and gesture for her to do the same thing.

  We both pluck a flute of champagne from a table as we pass it. Bentley smirks when he notices me coming his way. He knows damn well what’s about to go down. I’ve had to refine this tactic over the years. It started as me beating the shit out of the women to berating them with every evil word I could come up with to my mere presence that makes them run. Persistence is key when it comes to this game.

  “There’s my gorgeous wife. Mrs. Foster.” Bentley pulls me to his side and kisses the top of my head.

  “And my sexy husband.” I look up to him and plant a lingering kiss on his lips, leaving no guessing to what my tongue is up to.

  On cue, it’s now the group of bitches start groaning and clearing their throats. I hear Coy greet Maddie, but continue to kiss my man. When I pull back from Bentley, he’s left me breathless with swollen and bruised lips.

  “I was telling our old school friends how damn sexy you are.”

  “Ahhh.” I pat his chest and then turn my gaze to the group of women. Pathetic. They're dressed up for a nightclub in a big city and not a wedding. I have to admire their dedication to digging their claws into Bentley one last time. “Thanks for coming today.”

  Odd. They’re not so friendly to me, so being the better person I make conversation to help them feel more relaxed. I mean, it’s the nice thing to do.

  “Nikki, did you ever find out the paternity results on your newest child?”

  Bingo! Game over.

  Her face grows a bright red, her fist clutching around the stem of the flute before she opens her mouth. “Some things never change, do they, Marlee?”

  I cut her off. “No, they don’t. Always running you away from my man. It’s an old game between us and I always win. Thanks for coming today.”

  I gift her with a finger wave. Not another word comes from her before she’s spinning on her heels and marching away. The rest of her gang follow suit. Bentley doesn’t even try to hold in his laughter. This may come across to an outsider as being rude or even edging into bullying. But after years upon years in a small town dealing with the same shit, I’ve been forced to stand up for myself. It was evident from my first day at school that I didn’t fit into the small town’s box of ideal. I never apologized or tried to fit because I found Bentley before the town got to me. We fit together.

  “Oh my God!” Maddie hops from foot to foot. “That was freaking awesome.”

  Coy groans, burying his face in the top of her head. “I knew once you two had time to sit and chat that you’d hit it off.”

  “Don’t ever back down from them bitches. They sense fear, and they’ll attack.”

  “You have no idea how snotty they are to me at the bank where I work.”

  Bentley spins me around and pulls me to his chest. “Bet they won’t anymore. Run with my little gal here, and you’re good as gold.”

  I wrinkle my nose up at Bentley, admiring the sparkle in his rich whiskey-colored eyes. His palms glide down my sides then reach around to cup my ass. The built-up passion from earlier sparks right back to life.

  “Maddie, you better close your eyes. Marlee initiated a sex ban once Bentley refused to take her to the courthouse. They’re like frustrated rabbits at this point.”

  I bust out in laughter. Coy always has a way to be downright crude, but funny at the same time. He’s made me laugh more than I can count at indecent comments.

  “Alright. The time has come for Mr. and Mrs. Foster to take the dance floor. Gather around.”

  I clutch Bentley’s strong shoulders all of a sudden feeling giddy for this moment. A second wind has brought my energy levels right back up. I’m certain it’s from hearing the DJ announce Mr. and Mrs. Foster. I’m not worried about escaping the reception early as Luke Bryan begins singing, “Play It Again.”

  Bentley never lets go of me as he drags me out on the dance floor. Our bodies are intertwined together, swaying to each word. We never break eye contact and share a few kisses. Bentley Foster is my song that I want to play on repeat for the rest of my life.

  “I love you, Bentley.”


  “Her eyes held an endless kind of love for him.” -Karen Kingsbury

  “Can I open my eyes yet?” I whine, dangling my legs out of the passenger door of his truck.

  “No, give me five more minutes.”

  “Bentley, it doesn’t sound like we are at an airport.”

  It takes all my discipline not to rip off the bandana tied around my face. Bentley knew there was no way in hell I’d keep my eyes covered. He had the blindfold secure before we left our driveway. I did get a glimpse of him in khakis and a white button-up shirt after he changed. He’s been hell-bent on keeping the honeymoon a secret.

  “Two more minutes.”

  “Bentley, if we are at Motel Six I’m going…”

  His lips shut me up. I didn’t even hear him near me. The bottom of my wedding dress flows in the evening wind, my boots dangling out of the door as I wrap my arms around his shoulder and spread my legs to make room for Bentley.

  “Are you ready for your big surprise?”

  “I’m a bit nervous,” I mumble into his lips.

  “Nah, no need to be.” He kisses me again then pulls back, grabbing the pendant of the necklace he gave me. “This is us. It’s how I see us, and when I sat back and thought about our honeymoon I wanted every minute of it to be us. There’s no other place I could think of spending the first night with my wife. It’s where we fell in love.”

  “The pond,” I whisper.


  He carefully pulls back the blindfold. It takes me several long seconds to adjust my eyes and when I do, I gasp in shock. We are at the pond, but tonight it’s lit up with dainty white lights, a huge tent with a plaid blanket in front of it. Bottles of wine and beer flow out of the top of a cooler. Our two-childhood fishing poles are leaning up against the tent.

  Even though I thought I was too tired to cry, tears spring to life. It’s amazing.

  “It’s not Hawaii or the Caribbean…”

  I place my finger over Bentley’s lips to stop him. “It’s more and perfect.”

  The glowing lights of the dying down reception are off in the distance next to our house. It’s serene. So simple, yet extravagant down to each detail of us.

  His warm palm cups my cheek. “I know the wait was hell on you, Birdie. My deployment was the hardest thing we’ve overcome, so I wanted everything about tonight and the next week to be perfect.”

  “Honestly.” I lick my bottom lip. “Motel Six would’ve been perfect as long it was with you.”

  I pull him closer, clutching the back of his neck. “I want you to kiss me every single day like you did in front of all of our guests.”

  “I can do that,” he growls into my lips.

  And he does. I grow greedy as the kiss intensifies, wanting and needing more and more of him. I do my best to tug him up into the cab of the truck. I lost my virginity here, so it seems perfect to have my husband make love to me here as well.

  “C’mon, baby, we have all night.” Bentley pulls back and turns around, offering me his back.

  I grumble and moan my disapproval at this, but eventually, wrap my arms around his neck and do the same with my legs around his waist. Bentley begins striding over to the tent with his hands around my calves.

  “Remember when you used to pack me around like t
his all the time?” I ask while kissing up and down his neck.

  “Do you remember begging for piggyback rides our entire junior year?”

  “Me? Never! It was you begging to pack me around when you were all sweaty and worked up after football practice.”

  His deep chuckles echo around the pond, warming me from head to toe. Once Bentley sets me down on my feet, I fall backward on the blanket splayed out like a starfish. Not one ounce of lady manners in sight. I kick up both feet, pointing my fancy boots at Bentley.

  “What’s this?” He crooks up an eyebrow.

  I spread my legs apart that are up in the air. “Please, baby, take the boots off then devour me while I lay here.”

  “You’re such a little shit.” Bentley eases each boot off and tosses them over his shoulder.

  I’m about to scold him when he begins unbuttoning his shirt. I watch in silence as he strips down to a sleek pair of black boxers.

  “You’re overdressed, my lady.” Bentley slinks down on top of me, cupping my face with his hands.

  Even through the thick material of the dress, the heat of his body makes my core sizzle.

  “Son of a bitch!” Bentley rolls off me, howling in pain. “Your dress bit me.”

  He points to a dribble of blood on his torso, and I lose it. I should not be laughing, and the more I think about that, the harder I laugh my ass off. It takes Bentley no time to recover before he’s pulling me by the ankles toward him. His nimble fingers strip me out of my dress and then toss it to the side.

  “If this is a biting bra, I’m going to smack your ass.” His body covers mine again.

  “Mmmm. I like it when you spank me.” I pull his face down to mine, darting my tongue out to lick the seam of his lips.

  “Naughty girl.”

  “Kiss me like you did at the wedding and make love to your wife.”

  My words do something to him. I can see it in his eyes and the rise and fall of his chest pushing into mine. The tenderness of his lips swiping over mine makes me melt back into the blanket. There’s nothing to stop us this time. Our hands tear away the rest of the clothes until it’s our two bodies pressing together.