The Flight of Hope Page 2
“Thanks,” I whisper.
My heart and stomach both do a funny flutter, making me forget all about the pain and blood. It’s the moment I fall madly in love with Bentley Foster.
Years Later
“It's that heart of gold, & stardust soul that make you beautiful.” -r.m. Broderick
Mom huffs, flopping down on the couch next to Papa Wally. He reaches over and offers his comfort by patting the top of her leg.
“I keep holding out hope, Birdie.”
I quirk up an eyebrow. “For?”
“Just a glimpse of girly.” She drops her head on the back of the couch.
“You love me.” I lean the fishing pole against the door and then fly into her lap. I’m careful not to hurt Papa. Years of living have caught up with him quickly. He’s still my all-time favorite even though he moves a tick slower and takes a few more pills.
“You’re filthy. Get off me.” Mom tries to push me, but I latch my arms around her neck, rubbing the mud from the fishing pond on her.
“I’m your little girl,” I taunt.
“My little pain in the ass,” she replies.
“You wearing those dirty jeans and boots to the dance tonight?” Papa asks.
“Dad, don’t you dare!” Mom manages to get an arm out and point in his face.
Papa Wally and I erupt in laughter. We both know how to get her fired up, and it works every single time. The poor woman had one child and wanted nothing more than for me to be a girly girl, but it never happened. Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments where I get all girly. But nothing can ever take the love and passion for the outdoors, fishing, and the homestead from me. I could live in the wilderness with Bentley for the rest of my life and be a happy chick.
“The red dress with rhinestones?” Mom squeaks out.
I roll my eyes. “Yes, Mom, I’m wearing that dress tonight.”
“A shower?” She bites her bottom lip to keep the laughter trapped in.
I raise an arm and smell my armpit. “Nah, I’m good.”
She slaps my ass, leaving a smacking sound reverberating around the living room. “Get going! I have to do your hair and makeup, and I want plenty of pictures before Bentley has to be on the football field.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I roll off her lap onto the floor with a thud. “We only went fishing today because it’s Bentley’s birthday and it’s tradition.”
“I’m not an idiot, Birdie. You two would go fishing any damn chance you got.”
I wink at her as I stand up. “You’re on to me, Mommy Dear.”
“Go shower, Marlee.” Mom does her best at her mean face, but it’s never scared me. However, I know she’s dead serious when she doesn’t use my nickname. She’s called me Birdie since I was young enough to remember. When she pulls out the real name card, I know shit is about to hit the fan.
“Okay, okay.” I wave her off. “I’ll be ready for hair and makeup in twenty minutes.”
I take the stairs two at a time up to my bedroom. The walls are covered in snapshots of me and Bentley from over the years. It’s a visual board of us throughout our childhood from our awkward toothless stage to our senior year of high school. Bentley’s friend, Coy, is in a few of the pictures with us; besides that, it’s just us.
I turn the shower to straight hot and wait for the water to warm up. I glance back into my bedroom, studying Bentley’s football jersey from our sophomore year. He’s been on the varsity team since our freshman year. He’s the hometown hero who everyone loves, and I’m his girl. It’s been that way since we met. It was our sophomore year he brought home the State title with the rest of his team. He gave me his jersey that same night when he got home off the bus.
I lean on the door jamb, crossing my arms, remembering that night like it happened yesterday. I can smell the steam in the air, but the memory is too powerful to ignore. It’s the night we shared everything with each other.
Bentley: Bus just got in town. Meet me down at the pond in twenty?
Marlee: I’m here waiting!
Bentley: Love you
Marlee: Love you more
The quick hug and sweaty kiss weren’t enough after the game. It was a nail-biter for the history books. Our team was down by a field goal with only a minute on the game clock. Bentley had done his best to lead his team down to the end zone, but they were exhausted, and the other team’s defense was grueling. Wide receivers started dropping passes, and his running back couldn’t break the line. Everyone in the bleachers chalked it up as a loss. Not me.
On a fourth and twenty, Bentley took off running. You could’ve heard a pin drop in the stadium as everyone from our town held their breath. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying and willing him to fly right down the field. It wasn’t until the entire stadium erupted in cheers that I knew he had done it.
It’s been three hours since our chaste hug and sweaty kiss. I’ve been dying to leap into his arms and celebrate with him. In moments like these, I wish I was a damn cheerleader so we could be closer even though we wouldn’t be able to touch.
The crescent moon lights up the pond, sending off a shimmering glow. I run my hands through the tall grass as I start to run out of patience. Well, let’s be honest, I’ve never been a patient person, so there’s that. I leap to my feet when the low roar of his truck engine fills the air.
Two headlights bounce down the road in the darkness. Excitement like no other ignites inside of me. Bentley broke records tonight. Too many to count, but more importantly, he brought home the State title to our small town. It’s been over fifteen years since we’ve had it.
The driver’s door slams, long legs stride my way, and then his dazzling smile comes into view. I melt inside every single time I see him. It’s a force I’ll never be able to explain. My legs finally remember how to move, and I run to him. There’s no warning before I leap into his arms. He always catches me.
I grip the sides of his face. “You did it, baby!”
“We did it,” he corrects me before sealing his lips to mine.
Warmth spreads throughout me when his tongue glides into my mouth. His kisses are always tender and loving. It only takes a few seconds before this becomes something much more. I feel Bentley’s body come to life, which only makes me ache with need.
I feel my body moving and then being laid down on the blanket next to the pond. Passion and raw love take over the situation. Our hands tear at our clothing until we are flesh to flesh. We’ve done everything, but this.
“I want you,” I whisper in a raspy voice.
“Are you sure?” He props up on his elbows, staring down at me with rich brown eyes.
I nod with no doubt behind the action. Bentley kisses the tip of my nose and then reaches over to his jeans. My heart drums inside of my chest when I hear the condom packet rip. The anticipation is too much. I shiver in excitement and trepidation.
I watch as he readies himself then covers my body.
“I love you, Birdie.” He kisses my cheek. “I’ve always loved you, and it will always only be you.”
I nod, unable to speak. Thick emotions clog my throat, making it impossible to talk, so instead, I pull his face down to mine and kiss the hell out of him. The feel of him inside of me blindsides me until I grow dizzy with passion and so much more.
The slamming of a door downstairs snaps me out of my memory. A contagious smile dances on my lips. It’s easy to get lost in the memories of us, and it’s one of my favorite pastimes.
Steam fills my small bathroom off my bedroom. I hop in before Mom marches up the stairs with a wooden spoon. Tonight is more for her than me. When she heard I was nominated for Homecoming Queen, you would’ve thought she won the lottery. I left the dress shopping up to her knowing she’d nail it.
Even though the girly thing isn’t my favorite thing to do, today is pretty damn exciting. My boyfriend’s birthday spent fishing and fooling around at the pond, watching that same sexy cat play football, and then the chance of us bei
ng crowned royalty.
I don’t have super close friends, but have lots of acquaintances. I’m not the most popular by any means, but also not a mean girl with a clan of bullies behind her. It will take a lot for me to swallow down some fear and stand next to some of those mean girls tonight during the crowning on the football field. I don’t let myself get too flustered over it, knowing Bentley will be by my side.
“Are you ready?” A knock is on the door then Mom’s voice streams in.
“Just a sec.” I hop out of the shower, dashing into a loose sundress.
She doesn’t wait, but barges in like she owns the place. I hide my smile, not wanting to let her know how much I’m loving all of this even if I bellyache about it.
Mom wastes no time whipping into her makeup bag and going to work. It’s her real passion and career. She complains she’s the only woman who has to beg and plead with her teenage daughter to wear makeup. I’m a simple girl who slays eyeliner and mascara along with the occasional lip-gloss.
“I’d ask you if a smoky eye would be okay, but…”
I laugh at her comment then slap her ass while she’s concentrating; it earns me a deep growl.
“Yeah.” She doesn’t stop applying a dark eyeshadow when she responds.
“How did you…uh…how…”
She stills, her hands falling to her sides. “Is this about sex?”
A bright flush creeps up my neck at her question. I guess Bentley and I have done a damn good job of hiding it. I shake my head.
“Then what?” The tip of her tongue peeks out between her lips as she concentrates on finishing up the eyeshadow.
“How did you handle it when Dad enlisted?” I intertwine my fingers, struggling to wring out the stress.
Bentley hasn’t made it a secret he’ll be enlisting in the Army after graduation. He’s following in his father’s footsteps. There’s no way I would talk him out of enlisting. He’s offering his life to fight for our freedom, and to me, that’s the most honorable thing a man or woman could do. The selfish part of me struggles with the fact of having my best friend and love of my life taken away from me.
“I leaned on my family and prayed every single night he’d always be safe.”
“I feel like I’m a spoiled brat by feeling the way I do.”
Mom kneels down in front of me, propping up a makeup brush on my thighs. She clears her throat before she begins to speak.
“You’re going to feel every single emotion during this journey. Some days will be easier than others. When he leaves for boot camp, it will devastate you, but you’re going to have to dig deep, Birdie, because the pride and honor you’ll hold for Bentley in the future is priceless.
I still find myself shivering with honor when Dad comes home from work. He gave all of this to us. He gave me my beautiful daughter, the opportunity to stay home with you until you went to kindergarten, and then my career. It will be hard, but so worth it.”
Silence floats around the bathroom until I find the courage to speak up.
“The Army gave me Bentley. We moved here because of Dad, but now I’m struggling to give him to the Army.”
“I know, Birdie.” She grabs the back of my head, easing my forehead down to her shoulder. “It’s not easy. You have the rest of your senior year ahead of you. Enjoy it, live every single day to the fullest, and never forget you. Plan your future right alongside Bentley’s if that’s what you want.”
I sniffle, fighting to hold back the tears.
“If you even shed one damn tear right now, I’ll beat your ass. Your eyeliner is on flick.”
This causes me to burst out in laughter. I laugh so hard I’m forced to throw my head back to breathe.
“It’s fleek, Mom.”
“Flick, fleek, frick, fudge, frump. It’s all the same to me.” She stands back up, going right to work. “I shut down the salon today.”
“You did?” I ask, trying to crane my head to look at her, but she pulls on my hair, keeping my head straight. “You have five other girls in there. I think it could survive one day without you.”
“Nikki’s mom called for an appointment, and when I told her I wasn’t in, she wanted April. So, I decided to close the salon down today and send the girls to a hair and nail class. You know, professional development and all.”
I groan. Nikki Miller is my arch nemesis. The battle started my first day of fourth grade. She didn’t like a new girl on her turf. She tripped me, pulled out my pigtails, and stomped on my Captain America lunch box, smashing my lunch while all of the students giggled and pointed. I was saved by Bentley.
He held his hand out to me, picked me up, and dusted me off. From that day, no one else at school ever messed with me in such a manner. I was Bentley’s. But that fact only made Nikki and crew despise me more. They’ve offered plenty of their snide comments when I’m the only one to hear them. They hurt. I won’t lie, but I’ve risen above them.
I feel her shrug as she pulls my hair through a straight iron. “Those little bitches won’t be on frick.”
I don’t correct her this time. Mom and I might not see eye-to-eye on everything, but we are best friends. I know that I can come to her with anything. I remain still while she straightens my wavy, thick brown hair then watch her put in soft curls.
When she’s finished, I’m left with long, soft curls cascading over my shoulders and makeup that highlights my large brown eyes and defined cheekbones. It’s straightforward and perfect at the same time. She eases me into my red dress. It wasn’t her color of choice, that fact she made very clear. Mom’s all about the trending color palettes and skin tone or whatever shit comes along.
I’m in the red today because it’s school colors and Bentley will be by my side in his sweaty football uniform in the same exact colors. That’s true love, and I’ve never been so excited in my life to stand next to him, girly shit or not!
The shrilling sound of the doorbell rings throughout the three stories of our house. I know it’s him. It’s way too early, but then again, he has to be on the field playing when all the other royalty will be picking up their date. Mom dashes down the stairs for her camera, all jacked up. I shake my head at her and go to the full-length mirror.
My palms smooth over the lacy material while the bling sparkles back at me as if it were giggling in glee. We have the rest of our senior year together before Bentley deploys. If I could look further into our future, we have the rest of our lives together. The present is too powerful and is scaring the shit out of me.
“Birdie, get down here.” Mom’s voice echoes into my room.
I take the stairs one at a time until I come face-to-face with Bentley. His hands are tucked into the pockets of his gym shorts, his t-shirt that’s been transformed into a tank hangs off his broad shoulders, but it’s his damn mullet he’s been growing out with his team for their senior year championship playoff that gets me. It’s hideous but is sexy as hell on him. The real game changer is his black snapback with his team logo on it. He always wears them backward, and I swear I fall even more for him every single damn time.
When his shy yet devious grin dances out on his face, I race down the steps until I’m bounding into his arms. He catches me like he has been doing since we were childhood friends. His scent of the most mysterious mix of woodsy, oranges, and all man envelops me before I have the chance to bury my face in the crook of his neck.
“Didn’t even get a chance to look at your dress, Marlee.” I feel each syllable he speaks parade across the sensitive part of my neck.
“Sorry,” I whisper.
“What I did see was fucking amazing.” Bentley’s words come out so hushed I barely hear them.
Yeah, our parents think we are angels. We’re not.
“It was all Mom.”
“Don’t think so.” His arms wrap around me tighter. “It’s all my girl.”
“Enough, you two.” Bentley’s mom’s vo
ice interrupts us.
“Break apart! Or we won’t have enough time for pictures.” My mom’s voice adds to the chaos.
It only causes me to giggle and to wiggle in even closer to my love. Papa Wally’s voice soon joins the mix.
“Jesus, you two ain’t going to get them to part. Bill and I told you that years ago.”
Bill, Bentley’s grandpa, passed last year, and it devastated every single one of us. The mention of his name still sends a shrill of pain to all of our hearts.
“I don’t care. I want pictures,” Mom hollers right back to her dad. And she claims she doesn’t know where I got my sass. Yeah, right!
And then the picture taking commences. Bentley endures the wrath of his mom about his outfit. He indulges her, only offering me a few slight grins and winks. I told him it’s how I wanted him dressed. Yes, we were nominated for Homecoming royalty, which is an honor in itself being seniors and all. This is the year to win it and the fact we won it the last two years is worthless at this point. But even bigger than all of this is it’s Friday night lights, Bentley’s senior year as quarterback, and squaring off against our rival, the Trojans.
Above all the glitter and excitement over being royalty, it’s the game that matters. Bentley needs to be in game mode and not some dumbass suit. Although Bentley in a suit is a dream come true. Football isn’t his end game, but the thing about Bentley is he does nothing half-ass, and that includes loving me. Tonight is about him, and all the spotlight should be shining brightly on him.
“Gonna be able to get up in there?” Bentley winks, pulling open the driver's side door of his jacked-up truck. It screams badass, sex, and hometown hero all in one shout.
“Outta my way, man.” I playfully shove on his chest, regretting it as soon as I do.
The red glam dress fits me like a glove all the way past my knees, making it impossible to leap up into his truck. Shit. I grab the steering wheel and the edge of his seat relying on arm strength to get the job done and pray no sounds of ripping material happens.
“Stubborn girl.”