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I Shaved My Legs For This? Page 12

  “Yes, but quit taking it. It was a safe medication during pregnancy.”


  “Congratulations. Stop at the front desk to make your next appointment.”

  He leaves the room, and I’m a statue. A knocked-up statue. The gravity of the situation finally hits me. I’m going to be a mom. Diesel is here. It’s ugly, but everything is going to be all right.

  Diesel dresses me then never lets go of my hand as we walk out to make my next appointment. Sammy gives me a hug before we exit and it does wonders to settle my nerves.

  “I’ll pick up your prenatal vitamins then meet you at Olivia’s?”

  “Yeah, but then what?”

  “Moving your stuff back home.” The question is all over his face. He’s checking to see if I’m going to fight or run.

  “Thank you.” I fly into his chest wrapping my arms low around his waist.

  His arms hug me back just as tight. We have a lot to work on, but our love will get us through it all. At this moment, I vow to never run again before hashing out the details with him. He deserves it and more importantly I deserve it.

  “I miss you and Wilma.”

  I look up into his gorgeous face. “I learned that I couldn’t live without you.”

  Chapter 20

  “Are you sure?” I ask for the hundredth time.

  “Do I look sure?” He asks placing his hands on his hips.

  “You’re standing completely naked in front of me helicoptering your dick.”

  “Guess you’re looking at a man who is one hundred and ten percent sure then.”

  Diesel whirls his dick around three more times to reassure me. Then he pounces on me. We’re both smooshed into the couch. His skin is damp from his shower, and the scent intoxicating from his body wash. I’m aware of the fact he’s keeping most of his weight centered on his elbows and not my body.

  “I have like little to no savings.” I lick his face for the fun of it. “Actually, more on the no side.”

  “You’ve said that about ten times.”

  “I can’t just grow a baby and quit working. I need to help with the money.”

  “And you’ve said that about eleven times. I have a savings and Old Man pays me well at the shop. I can pick up odd jobs for extra cash. We won’t be living the posh life, but we can make it.”

  “Shit! This is the part you’re supposed to tell me you were adopted and own a huge corporation with money blowing out of your asshole.”

  His hips flex into mine. “No Benjamins flying out my asshole, but a real good love for you, woman.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Now call your principal and let them know you won’t be returning.”

  “This is a dream. I don’t even know how to process this. Thank you.”

  Diesel leaps up from the couch and gives me a few more helicopter moves before strutting off into our bedroom. I came back home after the doctor’s visit. Olivia and Oren are the only ones in on our secret. Oren and Diesel did the manly shake thing, gave each other a nod of the head, and everything was forgiven.

  Olivia hugged Diesel tight, cried a bit, and then joined in on the celebration. I’m still haunted by how quickly I spiraled out of control. It was a nasty vortex I never want to be sucked back into.

  I flip open my MacBook and begin writing my resignation letter. It’s not black and white since I already signed the contract for the upcoming school year. It doesn’t help that I’m days away for reporting back to school. Guilt races in. I do love teaching even if I’m the jackass teacher who seems not to give a shit. I’ll miss the school, students, and Olivia.

  The thought of our future empowers my fingers to fly over the keyboard. It’s something I never dreamt of, and now this option to stay home is amazing. I’ve always wanted to start my own line of clothing, and now I’ll have the chance to. But with the baby coming and on one income it will have to happen in baby steps. I press send and then race into the bedroom with Wilma hot on my heels testing out her big dog bark.

  “We have to go to my parent’s house.”

  Diesel is stretched out on the bed, propped up against the headboard, reading some car magazine. He cocks an eyebrow in my direction.

  “Put down your soft porn magazine and let’s go.”

  He holds up the magazine. “But look at this engine and the tits on the model. She must indulge in a lot of anal.”

  I pounce on the bed, crawling up his legs. “I sent the letter. Word will be out any time now. You know small towns and gossip. We need to tell my parents.”

  He flexes his hard cock up into my center.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” I waggle my finger in his face. “Remember it was your idea to abstain from sex for a bit to learn to trust.”

  I roll my eyes on the last word trust. Yes, it was all his idea and actually not a bad one since we rushed into this so fast. We fall hard and love even harder.

  “My boner is fully trusted in us.”

  I scramble off his lap and race to the door. “Let’s go. I don’t want my parents to find out from anyone else.”

  I scoop up Wilma and put on her hot pink vest. Diesel comes out grumbling a few seconds later. When I look up to him, he’s adjusting his crotch. The clear imprint of his boner pressing through his jeans catches my attention. And I laugh.

  “Evil woman.” He slaps my ass.

  “It was your idea, Einstein.”

  “Oh, blow it out of your ass.”

  I had no idea my mother knew about the television show, Punk’d. She was adamant about being on it when we shared our news. It took her a good hour to soak in the fact she’s going to be a grandma. We told them the whole, ugly story. I’ve realized it’s something I have to own. It was a nasty mistake, but my reaction made it even uglier.

  It’s my dad that I’m worried about. He doesn’t look happy at all. He looks heartbroken, and it’s about to break me.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong?” I finally ask.

  He’s silent, and I feel Diesel go rigid next to me.

  “Just digesting everything. You’ve been a little tornado since entering our world, and that hasn’t changed a bit.”

  “Are you mad?” I ask him with my lower lip trembling.

  He stands up, rounds the table, and pulls me into a strong hug. “Not mad at all, baby girl. Just hoping for some payback.”

  “You scared the shit out of me, Daddy.”

  “You’ll be a great mother.”

  That simple statement brings my world full-circle. He’s right. I will be with the best support system around.

  My mother goes straight into overbearing Grandma mode asking about if we will find out the gender, names, and my birthing plan. My head spins, and I shrug at every single answer. The thought of the adventure ahead of us exhilarates me.

  Chapter 21

  “Dammit, Scout.”

  I round the corner to see Diesel standing in front of the open refrigerator in low-rise jeans and shirtless. I clutch my round belly and ogle him for long moments until he turns around. Wilma is perched up on the bottom of the open fridge hoping for a treat.

  “What, baby?”

  “Pickles.” He holds up a jar of pickles minus the juice.

  “Yeah, about that.” I step forward and twirl a piece of my long hair.

  “You were on the road to recovery. Did you have a relapse?”

  “Maybe.” I wrap my arms around him.

  We’re no longer able to press chest to chest because of the Bumpasaurus between us. Life’s been perfect the last six months besides the rapid morning sickness and my out of control sex drive. I’ve moved quite nicely with the clothing line. The “Love Taco” line has been a social media hit growing faster than my belly. It’s a line inspired by our love story and dedicated to all happy kitties around the world. Wilma is the star of the line with her cute little Yorkie face on most of the shirts with crude sayings.

  “What am I going to do with you? Dry pickles are disgusting.”
br />   “You can wet your pickle in me.”

  “How kind of you.”

  “I’m giving like that.” I wink up at him.

  He backs me up into the living room then lays us out on the couch. It’s the only way we can get the dirty deed done without causing bodily harm. I strip for him and watch as he pulls out his hard dick. Diesel keeps his hands clutched to my hips helping me ride him. He’s become quite the obsessive boob man with my enormous tits. FYI, no butt sex happened in enlarging the girls.

  “Diesel,” I whimper out when he steadies my hips and begins pounding up into me.

  I twist my nipples, which send me straight into orgasmic bliss. Diesel’s grunts follow as he lets go. I yearn for the days when I could collapse forward on his heaving chest until we both gain our senses back. Instead, he helps me to my feet then cleans me up. We dress together with excitement because today we find out the sex of our Bumpasaurus.

  “Only you would have a gender reveal party at a damn bar,” Olivia says, taking a seat next to me.

  “You would too if your man was sexy as fuck up there on stage.” I nod to the band singing.

  Diesel doesn’t get to sing with his band as much as he used to. They still get together at least once a month. And he still has all the magic like he used to. He doesn’t break eye contact song after song. My mom has all the cake and cupcakes all lined up on our tables. She even has a cute chalkboard where everyone has voted on the sex.

  Blue and pink candies are strewn all about. It looks like the consensus guess is a boy. It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other. I’m just ready to get my shop on.

  Diesel’s deep, sexy voice booms over the microphone. “Thank you for having us tonight. It’s a special one. After this next song, I’m jumping off this stage to see if I’m going to be having a boy or girl.”

  He points to me which makes all heads turn my direction. The small spotlight shines on me during a graceful move of shoveling a blue cupcake in my mouth. I tried the pink one, so I had to be fair. I wave with my free hand to the crowd.

  “That woman there is my forever type of girl. I love her. Spent years thinking I’d never find a love like hers. I’d seen my friends and family experience it and thought I’d just be longing for Jessie’s girl the rest of my life.”

  On cue the guitar begins strumming, Diesel wraps his hands around the microphone, with his knee bobbing in unison, sends me a sexy wink, and then he sings his ass off. The man makes love to me in the crowded bar through a song. He sings the entire time with a flirty voice and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

  Mid-song he pops the microphone from the stand and hops from the stage. He sexy walks the fuck out of sexy walking toward me. The table clears with me sitting there alone. The man doesn’t miss a beat of the song. During a longer part of the song with no words, he holds his hand out to me. I stand up laughing like an asshole head over heels in love.

  He swipes the pad of his thumb over my lower lip then pulls it to his mouth licking off the icing. His hand then finds my hip rocking me back and forth until I’m swaying to the music he’s singing.

  Diesel drops to his knees singing to our baby. My hands run through his thick, sexy hair while I continue to sway. The song ends with the banging of the drums. Diesel speaks into the mic shocking the shit out of me.

  “I don’t need Jessie’s girl because I have three girls who mean the world to me.”

  I peer down at him in confusion. His crooked grin gives it all away. The rat bastard.

  “I peeked,” he shrugs. “I hate surprises even more than you do.”

  “Diesel,” I screech.

  He just smiles as though he was just named the damn MVP at the Super Bowl. I turn to the fancy-ass cake my mother baked. The fondant icing is perfection with detailed beading work. She’s going to kill me, but I refuse to go down like this.

  I reach over and grab a large handful of the cake completely destroying it. The movement is swift, and he doesn’t see it coming. And the pecker is right. The filling of the cake is neon pink. I smash it in his face leaving the remnants of icing and cake all over him.

  My mother screeches in the background while the rest of the bar erupts in laughter. Diesel’s laughing with them as he stands up and then smears the mess on my face via his lips. The cake is delicious. I take my time enjoying it from his face. We’re both breathless when we pull apart. I thought I was happy the day I met him, even happier the day he proposed, and the happiest when we overcame the dreaded Clap scare, but I didn’t even know the meaning of sheer and utter happiness until this moment.

  “A girl,” I whisper.

  This time it’s my gorgeous man with tears rolling down through the icing on his face. “A girl.”

  “I can’t wait to meet Minnie.” I brush the icing on his cheekbone.

  “Minnie. My mother’s name.”

  I nod.

  And our happiness continues.


  We don’t speak of misunderstood blind dates. We don’t speak of the Clap. We simply love and promise never ever to let a misunderstanding come between us again.

  We are not married yet because a screaming bundle of joy with wild blonde hair entered our life. Minnie is everything. She brings out every single thing in my life I never thought I deserved. The moment Minnie latched on in the hospital room all the self-doubt and reservations about being loved disappeared. She brings out the best in me in every possible way.

  There’s less time for long baths cuddled into Diesel, but it doesn’t matter. I climb from the bathtub and dry myself off. When I walk into our bedroom, I hear the sweetest sound in the world. It’s in moments like these I pull out my cellphone and press record. It reminds me of all I have on days that aren’t so kind to me. It makes every projectile vomit, exploded diaper, and cracked nipple all worth it.

  Wilma is cuddled at Diesel’s side next to Minnie who’s fighting her sleep. It’s the newest and latest stage of parenthood. He soothes back her wild, blonde curls while singing Fools Rush In by Elvis. And the meaning of happiness continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

  “Sometimes your Love Taco just requires a stiff punch to show you the meaning of life.”



  This books is for all my friends who pushed me for Scout’s book. Thank you for reading and always encouraging me. I had to finish it because every single time I go to a local store in my hometown a sweet friend asked about it. Her demands quite precise and to the point. Thank you for that, Janice and I hope you enjoyed Scout’s crazy journey.